June 23, 2024 | Board Meeting Notes
Transition ceremony follow-up
- Thank you to the folks who arranged the gift giving and others in their roles. • Dylan has sent out an email, and he is proud of ADZG Sangha for all the work over the months that made the day happen. Gratitude and wholeheartedness were expressed throughout the event. ADZG at our best, hosting people from around the country joyously.
- Beau acknowledges Wade for the time and work that he put into the Transition. • Dylan has checked in with Taigen, who is working on his books and in good spirits.
Guiding Teacher Report
- Calander planning, including one-day sesshins, Rohatsu Sesshin dates, other one-day retreats.
- ADZG is now sponsoring the Faith In Place environmental summit, which will be led by Lama Rod Owens. Hogetsu hopes we can reengage ADZG association with FIP.
- Tova Green from Branching Streams, who attended the Transition ceremonies, will be spending several days with ADZG as a guest speaker. Hogetsu, Douglas, and Tova are discussing ADZG co-sponsoring the Branching Streams conference in Milwaukee, September 2025.
- The Practice Council meeting will be in July 2024 to discuss practice. This includes the Tantos, Ino, anyone leading a morning program, priests, and Tenzo. Hogetsu plans to have the Council meet bimonthly to discuss practice events and community.
- Hogetsu and Taigen have scheduled Jukai for September 22, 2024. • Hogetsu has been arranging for the Green Gulch Farm visit of ADZG members from August 21-26. As of this time, 9-10 ADZG members will be attending. • Hogetsu and Dylan have been meeting with David Wray regarding ADZG financial issues.
- Hogetsu is meeting with Dylan to work on her priority of initiating a fundraising plan for the next six months, to include a three-month New Supporting Member drive, to set a goal of getting 3 to 5 new supporting members each month.
Treasurer’s Report
- Byline Bank checking account balance as of 6/23/2024: $93,802.03* (down $8,121.23 from $101,923.26 on 5/10/2024)
- BUILDING FUND balance as of 5/10/2024: $221,723.28 (up $735.74 from $220,987.64 on 5/10/2024.
- We had 61 active supporters representing $2,622 in May 2024. • The interest rate on the Money Market is 4%, probably could do better with a different account structure.
- Working on getting Zelle in the future.
- A credit card for ADZG would make it easier for purchases, so that individuals do not need to front money for expenses and later be reimbursed. This will make accounting less confusing.
- Money is approved by the President of the Board of Directors and through the Treasurer. Expenses up to $250 do not require board approval.
- Dylan is reinitiating Salesforce to have a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) serve as the main data hub for ADZG. Tracking donations and contributions over years will be easier. Emailing donors will be more efficient. It will organize the data for fundraising. The account exists, but it has not been maximized in terms of its efficiencies for ADZG needs.
- Initiating a Supporting Member drive in the months between YEL campaigns. Goal of 3-5 new supporters per month.
- Currently at approximately $2000 per month, goal of $6000 per month from supporting members.
- Hogetsu plans to send a personally made card to all who are supporting members, major donors. A personal note with a Zen saying is a good way for her to introduce herself as our Guiding Teacher. She plans to personally introduce herself to donors over the next year.
- Hogetsu plans on discussing how to welcome new people at the next Practice Council meeting. She is currently trying to introduce visitors to the zendo by name. • Plans to develop a Hospitality Committee would be helpful for ADZG, in association with the Sangha Care Committee.
Review committee structures
- To make the Board meetings more efficient and productive, Beau proposes that committee chairpersons send a report prior to Board meetings with one or two talking points. These points could be discussed by the Board.
- Hogetsu reviewed the committees currently listed on the website: Program, Fundraising, Sangha Care, Promotions, and EAR Committees. It is not clear who is actually involved in each committee. Chairs will contact members listed on the committee, touch base, and make sure they are still interested.
- Hogetsu suggested that Fundraising not be a separate committee, but it be the role of Director in conjunction with Guiding Teacher role and convene with volunteers as needed for projects. The role of Board President may also include involvement in Fundraising.
- Ko suggests having a Finance Committee that could meet semiannually to discuss strategic finances. Beyond that, Fundraising could be the responsibility of Director and Guiding Teacher.
- Hogetsu suggests a Finance committee of Treasurer, Director, and Guiding Teacher.
- Ko suggests reevaluation of committee structure and contacting committee members twice a year to see if they are still interested in participating.
- Hogetsu feels the roles of the Sangha Care and a proposed Hospitality Committee overlap with practice, so she invites members to the Practice Council meetings. In terms of the Board, these two committees overlap. ADZG should elevate efforts in terms of hospitality and welcoming visitors.
- The Board plans to continue the discussion on committees and their structure again in the upcoming meetings
Promotions Committee (Mark)
- Facebook (FB) in the past 90 days data interval has reached 959 people, an increase of 14% from the previous 90 days. Largest increase between May 2024 and current date (during sesshin, transition ceremonies).
- Mark asks that members send him pictures from in the zendo or outside that people would find interesting or esthetically pleasing. Most interactions come from pictures, which draw attention.
- 2,311 FB followers, 55 new FB followers in the past 90 days, down 19% from previous period.
- Mark stresses the importance of how we list ADZG in Lion’s Roar, Tricycle, so that it is easier for people to find us. How to make ADZG more prominent on Google search? He suggests updating the Guiding Teacher Bio on the website to introduce Hogetsu. What is ADZG doing in the LS neighborhood that may make us more visible and support the community?
- In the ADZG transition, Hogetsu would like to consider how we will feature our Sangha, view ourselves, and the Guiding Teacher’s role. How does ADZG share itself with the community?
- Beau and Hogetsu recommend continued discussion during the next Board meeting
- Website discussion, inviting Mike and with Kevin
- Envisioning ADZG’s community identity to include Taigen, but broadening our public identity, to let people know who we are now as a Sangha. Who do we serve, including ourselves?