Ancient Dragon Zen Gate had a lay ordination precept ceremony (jukai) performed by Taigen Leighton, with assistance from sewing teacher Hogetsu Laurie Belzer and director Nancy Easton. Receiving the precepts, taking refuge, and receiving new Dharma names were Serena Lander, Moku’un Katsugen (Serene Cloud Vital Source); Douglas Floyd, Hoko Kanzan (Dharma Affirming Observing Mountain); and Laurel Ross, Domyo Shinmon (Earth Light Devoted Question).
The three ordainees formally took refuge in Buddha and received the 16 Soto Zen bodhisattva precepts:
I take refuge in Buddha
I take refuge in Dharma
I take refuge in Sangha
I vow to embrace and sustain right conduct
I vow to embrace and sustain all good
I vow to embrace and sustain all beings
A disciple of Buddha does not kill
A disciple of Buddha does not take what is not given
A disciple of Buddha does not misuse sexuality
A disciple of Buddha does not lie
A disciple of Buddha does not intoxicate mind or body of self or others
A disciple of Buddha does not discuss others’ faults
A disciple of Buddha does not praise self at the expense of others
A disciple of Buddha is not possessive of anything
A disciple of Buddha does not harbor ill will
A disciple of Buddha does not disparage the Three Treasures