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Resolution Regarding in-depth Practice Opportunities: the Board of Directors of Ancient Dragon Zen Gate has lifted its pandemic  suspension of in-person Sunday and Monday gatherings for zazen, dharma talks and discussion. The current temple location presents difficulties for certain other activities  that are traditionally a part of our sangha practice, therefore the Dharma Teacher should create, in collaboration with the Practice Leaders, a  Practice-Study Intensive to be held in the fall of 2022; that it be designed to work within the limitations of our current facility; and that a Practice-Study Intensive continue  annually until a more suitable temple location is in use for a traditional Practice  Commitment Period, and that Ancient Dragon Zen Gate continue its Suspension of two-, three-, and five day formal sesshins until a suitable temple location for these activities is in use; and that the Dharma Teacher explore with Practice Leaders the possibility of holding alternate  forms of multi-day sitting retreats or other in-depth practice opportunities; and the Board of Directors ensure that there is adequate administrative support within the sangha for these practice opportunities. 

Letter of Agreement for Dharma Teacher: Taigen was briefly excused from the meeting. After discussion and edits, a new contract was agreed upon by the board. Taigen re-entered the meeting, and agreed to accept the new contract, which will be effective April 1, 2022.