New Secretary
- Chris Cadman volunteered to take minutes for the meeting and volunteered to serve as Board Secretary.
- Vote was raised to approve Chris as secretary. Chris was approved unanimously with one abstention.
Welcome to Kevin Iverson
- Beau introduced and welcomed Kevin to the ADZG Board.
- Taigen added that Kevin is a founding member of ADZG, is an IT professional, and designed the original ADZG website.
Guiding Teacher Report (Taigen)
- Taigen acknowledged Dylan for taking on the job as Director during a time of transition for ADZG.
- Hogetzu and Taigen have begun discussing details of the ceremonies to mark the transition of Guiding Teacher.
- Taigen shared an update on Hozan Alan Senauke. He is doing much better.
Website (Mike, Mark, David, Kevin)
- Mark shared the Promotions Committee discussion. At times, the website can be a tad “text heavy,” but overall, the committee felt the necessary information was available and the website is helpful.
- Beau suggested the website better emphasize the lineage of Suzuki Roshi, his teaching, that ADZG is connected to that lineage, and in the same lineage as SFZC.
- Mark pointed out that the Podcast recordings are on the site and easy to assess.
- Kevin discussed that the website is 5-6 years old. He would be happy to look at improvements. Currently, Google analytics is not tracking information.
- Chris raised the question of having a more mobile friendly website. Kevin explained that the essential content is there, but decisions on content organization need to be made.
- The plan is for Kevin and Mike to get the Analytics working and have data to review by the next Board meeting. Further discussion regarding the website will take place after that review.
Treasurer’s Report (David)
- Building Fund continues to grow, currently at $264K, just under $1K of monthly interest.
- Dylan raised the need to clear out the storage unit.
- Taigen relayed that David and Dylan have done a lot of work to help gather information for the YEL, in part due to transitions in the Temple Director. He thanks them for their efforts.
Fundraising/YEL Report (Dylan and Taigen)
- Dylan reported the funds raised for 2023 were $33,769 (67 donors). 2022 was $43,364, 2021 was $33,748 (COVID year), and 2020 was $46,334. This is in part due to a decrease in donors (90 in 2022 vs 67).
- Taigen reported that of the 67 donors to the YEL, 17 were in-person attendees. 33 of the 50 online donors are from out of state. ADZG now has a widespread presence, not just a Chicago sangha.
Transition Committee Report (Dylan)
- Ko, David, and Dylan met with Hogetsu two weeks ago to discuss the basic vision Hogetsu has moving forward and to review some of the bylaws.
- Taigen discussed that many sanghas are also going though this, it is not unique to ADZG at all. Berkeley Zen Center and other Zen centers are in similar transitions.
- Dylan wants to encourage the Board to be ready for a new focus, and that change is a healthy thing, part of ADZG growing and moving forward as an organization.
Promotions Committee (Mark)
- Mark reported that the Promotions Committee met recently, discussing fund raising and membership. The committee feels the future is in a hybrid of in-person and online.
- Mark explained that in the promotions, a post on social media can be boosted and aimed towards a demographic for a minimal amount of money ($10 to $15). This can reach an extra 3,000 people. For example, if we have a visiting teacher, should that be promoted two weeks ahead of time. Photos have been useful and popular with followers.
- 2,200 followers on Facebook. 32.5% are women. 1,400 from USA, 160 from India, 60 from UK, 58 from Canada. Top cities are Chicago (223), NY, LA. Data gives an idea who ADZG attracts on Facebook. Age groups from 35 to +65 years are about equal (~15%), dropping at <35 years of age.
- Hogetsu expressed that it is good to look at these promotions, to pilot some plans, to look at the analytics. She also encourages everyone to read Shoshana Zuboff’s “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.” Is our practice going to be by algorithm and what would that mean?
Techno Committee (David)
- The Techno Committee has no formal report.
- Taigen asked about funding for and purchasing a new microphone.
- Dylan will talk with Simone and get the microphone purchased.
Sangha Care Committee (Chris)
- Chis has been in discussion with Kathy Bingham and Sara Lytle regarding the SCC role in the support of ADZG. Sara has supplied Chris with documentation she previously developed.
- Kathy has been extremely helpful in outreach to Sangha members with gifts and cards to celebrate the recent birth of Alex’s child, as well as support to Eishen after her father’s death. Chris sent a card to Ko in the SCC and ADZG name after the death of her brother.
Date of next meeting: April 7, 2024 at 2:00 pm
Adjournment: 4:00 pm