Finances: Our bank balance for our operating fund is currently $109,325, and the balance for our building fund is currently $245,729. There are currently 60 active monthly supporters. Year-end contributions were $33,748, a bit lower than last year, perhaps due to the pandemic and because several of the usual year-end contributors gave significant gifts this year to the building fund.
New Temple Budget Committee: This group is developing an overall budget for the purchase of a new temple, move-in costs, and operating costs in a new building. It will also be looking at what it takes to prepare for a bank loan, a zoning variance, insurance costs, and taxes.
Return to in-person gathering: The board agreed to re-start in-person gatherings on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings at Ebenezer Lutheran Church, beginning on February 27. We could use some help from anyone who would like to make set-up and take-down easier. Please send an email to if you’d like to assist regularly. In addition, the board approved new COVID protocols for in-person attendance at events in in recognition of the infectiousness of the Omicron variant.
Community relations and teamwork: After recent conversations among board members and Practice Leaders, the board discussed and decided to reconvene two groups that have been somewhat dormant of late:
– A Practice Council, consisting mainly of those designated formally as Practice Leaders, but also other senior practitioners and leaders, who would meet regularly for the purpose of creatively shaping and coordinating practice in the sangha.
– The Ethics and Grievance committee, which is available to address grievances, potential harm, and interpersonal disputes, in order to create healthy relationships in community.