Welcome new board members (Beau)
- Mark Splitt and Chris Cadman are welcomed by Beau and the other board members present.
- It is estimated that board meetings will occur every 4 to 6 weeks.
Guiding Teacher Report (Taigen)
- Taigen discussed the recent Tanto talk by Douglas, plans for future Tanto Talks, recent program events, Wade’s going away party.
- Taigen would like there to be continued development of Sangha events online in addition to in person.
- Development of classes to bring new people attending ADZG.
- Practice Commitment Period (PCP) to take place March 24 to May 19, 2024.
- Focus this year will be on Hongzhi’s teachings.
- Update on Alan Hozan Senauke, his Caring Bridge Site online.
- Hozan has had some improvements but remains in serious condition in hospital.
Transition Report (Taigen, Hogetsu)
- Taigen discussed that he and Hogetsu would not be serving as Co-Guiding Teachers.
- Transition over the course of a weekend, either late May or June. After this time, Taigen would be Guiding Teacher Emeritus.
- Taigen plans to not attend events ADZG in person or online through perhaps August, 2024.
- He would continue to provide Dokusan ,continue Reuben’s process for ordination, Chris’s process for Jukai.
- Hogetsu explained that having Co-Guiding Teachers seems to dilute the importance of the Guiding Teacher role in the Sangha.
- She will continue to work with the Transition Committee for her transition, contract and compensation negotiations.
- Dylan will take Alex’s position on the Transition Committee (Ko, David Wray).
- Importance of a Transition Ceremony.
- Hogetsu and Taigen will work together in planning ceremony details, which would be a Sangha event.
- David made the suggestion of choosing a date(s) soon so that people could make travel plans if possible.
- The date is yet to be determined, but will occur between late May to mid June.
Treasurer’s Report (David)
- Byline Bank checking account balance as of 1/14/2024: $98,871.33
(up $7,936.59 from $90,934.74 on 12/3/2023)
- Since December 3, 2023 (previous Treasurer’s Report), we have had outflows of $9,327.35 and inflows of $17,263.94 for a net inflow of $7,936.59
- Ongoing monthly expenses (approx. $5,986/mo., slightly up from $5,970/mo. in previous report):
- Teacher compensation: $4,256
- Rent: $900
- Storage and insurance: $425
- Webmaster: $250
- Zoom: $14
- Mailchimp: $140c(up from $125)
- Notable other expenses:
- carpet cleaning: $150
- sesshin commission: $979
- sesshin food: $681
- ADZG’s ongoing expenses + “notable other” account for over 95% of all outflows since the previous board meeting.
- Byline Bank Money Market balance as of 1/14/2024: $264,159.97
(up $921.12 from $263,238.85 on 12/3/2023)
- Since December 3, 2023 (previous Treasurer’s Report), we have had no outflows and inflows of $921.12 (one month of interest income) in this account.
- Total donations for 2023-2024 YEL campaign as of January 14, 2024: $24,489.00.
- We have 64 active supporters representing $2,813 in December.
- Importance of emptying the storage unit for cost savings was discussed.
- David has included information on gains/losses over the last 5 years. Dylan discussed letter for donors for tax reporting.
- Taigen reported that a donor has pledged $28,000 upon their passing. The YEL fundraising will continue through the end of January, 2024.
- Dylan raised concern that fundraising seems to be behind last year. Hogetsu offered to serve as an assistant director with Dylan so that she could become more knowledgeable in the finances of the Sangha.
- Thank you to Dylan serving as Director, David Wray for serving as Treasurer.
Board funding opportunities (Taigen)
- Taigen discussed Reuben receiving financial support from the board and Sangha for covering the costs of his ordination.
- Hogetsu detailed the cost for robes that he would need for his ordination.
- This was estimated to be $1 to 1.5 K.
- Board voted unanimously to pledge the financial support for this.
- Additional discussion for development of a special fundraising in support of ordination of Sangha members, Branching Streams support.
- Hogetsu asked the board to help in funding of the printing costs for documents for Lay and Priest ordinations.
- The Board voted unanimously to cover these expenses up to $500 or as needed.
Promotions Committee (Mark, Taigen)
- Taigen discussed involvement of non-board members on Sangha committees. He asked Mark how best to let people know that ADZG exists.
- Mark discussed his use of social media including Facebook postings, reporting and data he is receiving.
- The board discussed the need for updating the webpage.
- It was suggested that this be added to the agenda for the next board meeting for further discussion.
Techno Committee (Beau, David)
- Beau and David discussed further development of the committee, which is currently a loose format.
- Involvement with Ino (Gerry), and having Reuben on the committee as well. There were funds approved for purchase of a better microphone, but this has not taken place as yet.
Sangha Care Committee (Chris)
- The committee is currently not well defined.
- Chris offered to chair the SCC.
- Chris will contact Sangha members previously involved in the committee for development of a description of and goals for the committee.
- Description of the committees would then be sent to Dylan and Taigen for review.