Welcome to new and returning board members – David Wray, Ko, and Dylan
Guiding Teacher report
- Lincoln Square zendo
- Going well, big improvement over previous
- February all-day sitting will have a maximum of 18 attendees
- Practice Council meeting
- Either 1/31 or 2/1
- Prospective Practice Commitment Period
- April 2nd to May 26th
- Two proposed topics – either environmental dharma or Vimalakirti Sutra
- David Loy will be doing a three-day seminar during what would be the practice period
- Matt Streit has been working with Joanna Macy and has offered to do a Saturday afternoon workshop
- Upcoming Guest teachers
- February 5th – Florence Caplow
- March 5th – Steven Heine
- June Tulsa Conference
- Taigen will be attending this conference with Steven Heine and Brook Ziporyn for the second Bob Dylan conference
- Sangha Meeting – February 26th
YEL Fundraising Letter Report
- Received a total of approximately $33,000, which includes matching funds at $15,000
- This accounts for 53 people who have made donations
- $10,300 has been specifically ear-marked to the building fund
- Difference between $19,000 and $7,800 in terms of donations between the last two years, minus the building fund
New Temple Search Committee Report
- Temple Search Committee is searching for a commercial building, for which Ed came up with a template, which would include a ground floor zendo space and then residential spaces above
- Three geographical areas, defined especially by being a ½ mile walk from Red or Brown Line
- The board would need to approve any purchase
Sangha Care Committee
- Debra C. will be joining the Sangha Care Committee
Promotions Committee
- Volunteers needed for Promotions Committee
Valley Streams Zen Sangha refugee sponsorship
- Alex reports that Valley Streams had hosted an Afghani family who came as refugees to the U.S., and now the family are relocating to Chicago
- Alex proposes to reach out to Valley Streams and see if the family want to be in touch
- Motion passes
Date of next Board meeting – March 5th at 1:30 pm, to which all members of the sangha are invited to attend