Guiding Teacher report
- Upcoming guest teachers – Brook Ziporyn (July 30), Peter Coyote (TBD), Gaelyn Godwin (TBD)
- Jukai – June 18th scheduled for 2:00 pm
- Taigen giving on-line talk July 23rd at Houston Zen Center
Sangha Care Commitee
- We will do an hour Zoom tea, on an upcoming Friday or a Wednesday
- Dylan proposes one Sunday in July that childcare could be provided for
- July 9th is set as a pilot date
Promotions Commiteee
- Alex is continuing to attempt to get Ancient Dragon’s address listed with Google
- Mark Split has offered help with Promotions
Building Purchase Discussion
- Huntington Bank backed out of mortgage due to the current guarantor living outside of Illinois
- Finding a replacement guarantor(s) needs to be done quickly
- Paul reported that nothing in the inspection report seemed a deal-breaker
- Formal closing date is the week of July 31st, which is when we become the outright owner of the building
New business
- None
Date of next Board meeting August 13th at 2:00 pm