Board of Directors’ Meeting Summary
April 18, 2021
The sangha board of directors had a productive meeting on Sunday April 18. Highlights from the meeting include:
- A decision to state the board’s intention to look for a building to purchase. It was recognized that this process – including a sangha input survey, fundraising, and a real estate search – will take time, and that a rental location might be necessary for an interim period of time.
- Taigen’s appointment of Debra Callahan and Carol Ko Laursen as new Assistant Directors; and David Wray as Head Doan.
- Some of our leaders have requested that the board allow them to promote to the sangha events they are holding that are non-ADZG, in-person, and indoor. It was decided that, for now, the board needs to wait on this request, and reconsider it at each of our meetings going forward. Guidance given by the Centers for Disease Control on safety for public indoor gatherings will be persuasive in the board’s consideration.
- Reports from the ongoing work of the new committees for Sangha Care, Technology, and New Practice Location.
- The board joined other Buddhist organizations in endorsing the upcoming National Buddhist Memorial Ceremony for Asian American Ancestors. It will be at 6pm on Tuesday, May 4. See for more information.
- Appointment of Dylan Toropov as Coordinator for Social Justice and Interfaith Activities.
- 2021 Draft budget was adopted.