Optional in-person instruction in eating ōryōki-style, our zendo meal practice, is being offered the weekend before the 3 day sesshin at the ADZG Lincoln Square Zendo:
Sat 5/13/23 1-3pm with Douglas
Sun 5/14/23 1-3 pm with Eishin
These optional ōryōki training events are open only to sesshin participants and will not be offered online.
To reserve your place at one of the trainings, sign up on this Google Doc. Please sign up under the day you will attend, and indicate whether or not you will be bringing your own oryoki set. If you have any questions, let us know, but please sign up in advance if at all possible.
Please meet and assemble in the first floor kitchen for instruction in eating ōryōki-style. Bring your personal set of ōryōki bowls if you have one, or a set of bowls will be available for those who do not own a set.
Sesshin participants who cannot attend one of these in-person trainings (the dates do not work or you are attending remotely), can find basic information about ōryōki meal practice here: