by ADZG | Mar 1, 2019 | Articles
We are all Refugees: Tree of Life Massacre (from Lions Roar Magazine, Oct 30, 2018) BY TAIGEN DAN LEIGHTON| OCTOBER 30, 2018 Zen teacher Taigen Dan Leighton attended the Tree of Life synagogue while growing up in Pittsburgh. He reflects on how all of us, near and far,...
by ADZG | Feb 18, 2019 | Articles
Taigen Dan Leighton Article for February, 2005 IBS Shin Buddhist Conference on “Meditation and American Shin Buddhism,” later published in Pacific World. It is certainly true that Japanese Soto Zen founder Eihei Dogen (1200-1253) encouraged his students...
by ADZG | Feb 14, 2019 | Articles
Taigen Dan Leighton From a proposed book of essays on Buddhism at the Movies, 2005, now not to be published except on this website The area for which a Buddhist commentary is most obviously relevant is the experience of after-life realms. The movie avoids any specific...