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Board Meeting Highlights – April 7, 2024

Guiding Teacher Report (Taigen)  Practice commitment period proceeding – 24 people including Taigen Next Sunday morning Stephen Heine will be giving remote talk about Hongzhi  3 day sitting at the end of practice period 5/17-5/19 Taigen will be offering a few...

Board Meeting Highlights – February 18, 2024

New Secretary  Chris Cadman volunteered to take minutes for the meeting and volunteered to serve as Board Secretary. Vote was raised to approve Chris as secretary. Chris was approved unanimously with one abstention. Welcome to Kevin Iverson Beau introduced and...

Board Meeting Highlights – January 14, 2024

Welcome new board members (Beau) Mark Splitt and Chris Cadman are welcomed by Beau and the other board members present.  It is estimated that board meetings will occur every 4 to 6 weeks.  Guiding Teacher Report (Taigen) Taigen discussed the recent Tanto talk by...

Board Meeting Highlights – December 17, 2023

Transition Report (Hogetsu)  Hogetsu, after reflection and discussion with Sangha members, feels that the proposed Co-Guiding Teacher position would not be comfortable for her.  It is essential to honor Taigen and to mark his stepping back. Hogetsu wants to be a...

Board Meeting Highlights – December 3, 2023

Techno Report (Simone) Simone put together a packet with proposed improvements and suggests a microphone purchase for $500 to $700 Reuben expressed concerns that the microphone will sit on the floor and pick up extraneous sounds Wade suggested checking in with regular...

Board Meeting Highlights – October 22, 2023

Proposal to Invite Hogetsu as a Co-Guiding Teacher There is a committee to determine compensation – David Wray, Alex Bernstein, and Ko Carol Laursen Committee will put a proposal together with Taigen and Hogetsu and then bring that proposal to the board for...

Board Meeting Highlights – October 1, 2023

Branching Streams Recap (Wade, Reuben, Douglas) Wade discussed how he enjoyed wide-open format of conference. Some common themes included engaging younger sangha.  Other themes included training new leadership and training new leadership Reuben enjoyed the community...

Bob Dylan’s Hymns: What Is Really Sacred

Bob Dylan’s Hymns: What is Really Sacred[1] by Taigen Dan Leighton   Copyright © 2023 Taigen Dan Leighton Introduction: What is Truly Sacred? One of Bob Dylan’s seminal songs is “It’s Alright Ma, I’m Only Bleeding” from “Bringing It All Back Home” in 1965. Dylan...

Board Meeting Highlights – August 13, 2023

Board Meeting Highlights August 13, 2023 Ancient Dragon Zen Gate Guiding Teacher Report Guest speakers Florence Caplow in-person last Sunday of August  Hakusho speaking September 10th Steven Heine the week after Norman Fischer will talk in November or December  ...

Board Meeting Highlights – June 11, 2023

Guiding Teacher report Upcoming guest teachers – Brook Ziporyn (July 30), Peter Coyote (TBD), Gaelyn Godwin (TBD) Jukai – June 18th scheduled for 2:00 pm  Taigen giving on-line talk July 23rd at Houston Zen Center Sangha Care Commitee We will do an hour Zoom tea, on...

Board Meeting Highlights – April 30, 2023

Guiding Teacher report Jukai June 18th at 2 pm – conducted by Taigen and Nyozan  Jukai recipients are Alex Peltz, Wade Wheatley, and David Wray  There will be a Zoom offering Upcoming Guest Teachers – Gaelyn Godwin, Brook Ziporyn, and Peter Coyote  Plan to do a...

Board Meeting Highlights – March 5, 2023

Sangha Meeting Recap Themes: desire for people to connect with other practitioners, particularly for online folks, and to volunteer more to be part of the sangha, the desire for more information of this body and the finance folks, and temple search, lingering concerns...

Board Meeting Highlights – January 15, 2023

Welcome to new and returning board members – David Wray, Ko, and Dylan Guiding Teacher report Lincoln Square zendo Going well, big improvement over previous  February all-day sitting will have a maximum of 18 attendees Practice Council meeting Either 1/31 or 2/1...

Book Recommendation: Alan Senauke’s Turning Words

I want to strongly recommend a new Zen book. The book is Turning Words: Transformative Encounters with Buddhist Teachers (Shambhala) by Hozan Alan Senauke, currently Abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center. This book is brilliant, a masterpiece. It features illuminating...

Board Meeting Highlights – December 18, 2022

Guiding Teacher report All-day sitting scheduled for February 12th  No New Year’s Eve sitting  Sangha meeting scheduled for last Sunday in February to talk about progress on building search and to check in with everyone  Ben Connelly to speak on second Sunday in...

Board Meeting Highlights – November 20, 2022

Guiding Teacher report December 4th one-day sitting  Service will be cancelled for Christmas Upcoming guest speakers December 11th – Judith Ragir – may be in-person  January 8th – Ben Connelly  February 5th – Florence Caplow Position transitions  Douglas is cycling...

Board Meeting Highlights – October 16, 2022

Board Meeting Highlights –  October 16, 2022 New interim practice location During the month of November, we will be preparing what we are calling Giddings Zendo (for its location at 2255 W. Giddings) for our move-in. We hope to have it all cleaned, painted, and...

Bob Dylan’s Visions of Zen Mind

from Zen Questions: Zazen, Dogen, and the Spirit of Creative Inquiry,  by Taigen Dan Leighton (Wisdom Publications, 2011)    An Off-Beat Conference and a Song Gathering the Mind Sometimes in Zen we sit for a day, or three, five, or seven days, in what is called...

Board Meeting Highlights – September 28, 2022

Some major decisions were made at this meeting, denoting progress as we move forward as a sangha: 1. The board approved the offer of Hogetsu Laurie Belzer to rent the first-floor unit in her building to Ancient Dragon for use as an interim temple location until such...

Shakyamuni at the Border

A Meditation on Peace and War Taigen Leighton,  September 2022 Shakyamuni the Awakened One sat down under a tree At the border of his homeland As the invading army approached.  The two warring armies Hostile and fierce Arrived at the riverside And witnessed Buddha...