Pandemic Dharma Words
by Gyoshin Laurel Ross Driving toward my block, hoping for a parking space, I was annoyed when the pickup truck ahead of me suddenly slowed. Was he going to snag my spot? No. He turned left into the alley and as I pressed down to accelerate I saw the problem. A...Protecting Rohingya and Building Community Through Buddhism -Alan Senauke Interview
Listen to Alan Senauke on WBEZ’s Worldview! Hozan Alan Senauke, Vice Abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center and former Executive of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, recently spoke at Ancient Dragon and DePaul University. He was interviewed by Jerome McDonnell of WBEZ...Blues and Zen
by Alan Senauke Alan Senauke is Vice Abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center I heard a radio piece recently about the demise of “Your Hit Parade,” a show that ran on radio and television from the mid-1930s to 1959. Each week “Your Hit Parade” served...One Practice Samadhi
by Zhiyi from the Mohezhiguan (handout from Brook Ziporyn’s dharma talk, June 29, 2015)