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thus have I heard from Dainin Katigiri

by Brian Taylor The following is an example of how I sometimes like to digest writings by Zen teachers. While reading one or more books written by a particular teacher, I copy short passages that strike me, putting them in verse form. Later, I rearrange these short...

Pandemic Dharma Words

by Gyoshin Laurel Ross Driving toward my block, hoping for a parking space, I was annoyed when the pickup truck ahead of me suddenly slowed. Was he going to snag my spot?  No. He turned left into the alley and as I pressed down to accelerate I saw the problem.   A...

Blues and Zen

by Alan Senauke Alan Senauke is Vice Abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center I heard a radio piece recently about the demise of “Your Hit Parade,” a show that ran on radio and television from the mid-1930s to 1959. Each week “Your Hit Parade” served...