Zen Analogues to Forms of Prayer
Meeting the Ancestral Teachers: going beyond reading
Lay Down Your Weary Tune
Taking Refuge in the Three Treasures – Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
Engagement and Non-attachment
Forms and Ceremonies in Everyday Activity
thus have I heard from Dainin Katigiri
by Brian Taylor The following is an example of how I sometimes like to digest writings by Zen teachers. While reading one or more books written by a particular teacher, I copy short passages that strike me, putting them in verse form. Later, I rearrange these short...Perspectives on shikan taza
Zazen and Activity
Joko Beck’s Practice of Labeling Thoughts
Individual Self, Universal Self, and Grace
Not Knowing is Most Intimate
The Roar of the Dragon
Early Japanese Zen teachers in America and Our Lay Practice
ADZG Sunday Morning Student Talk with Brian Taylor
The Benefaction of Sangha
ADZG Monday Night Sangha Talk by Brian Taylor
Letting Go of Identity
ADZG Monday Night Sangha Talk by Brian Taylor
Contemplative Christianity and Zen
ADZG Monday Night Sangha Talk by Brian Taylor