by ADZG | Jul 15, 2011 | Sangha News
Artist and scholar Kazuaki Tanahashi recently visited Ancient Dragon Zen Gate in Chicago, where he taught a calligraphy workshop Saturday, July 9 and gave a Dharma talk Sunday morning, July 10. During the workshop, Kaz’s eager students had fun brushing Chinese...
by ADZG | Jun 28, 2011 | Sangha News
Taigen performed a lay ordination precept ceremony for three of our members. As part of the ceremony, the three ordainees received new Dharma names from Taigen. Gary Wilson is now also: Yaku’o Shinkaku – Healing Response Faithful Crane; Jeremy Herzberg is...
by ADZG | Jun 19, 2011 | Sangha News
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate had a lay ordination precept ceremony (jukai) performed by Taigen Leighton, with assistance from sewing teacher Hogetsu Laurie Belzer and director Nancy Easton. Receiving the precepts, taking refuge, and receiving new Dharma names were Serena...
by ADZG | May 12, 2011 | Sangha News
The tradition of focused periods of community practice originates from the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. A practice period is a time when practitioners intentionally join together to deepen and support each others’ practice of the Buddha way. In the Japanese Zen...
by ADZG | Jun 1, 2007 | Sangha News
Taigen Dan Leighton, along with members of the Ancient Dragon Zen Gate and the Mountain Source Sangha, participated during June, 2007 in a pilgrimage in northern China to monasteries and other important sites in the history of Chan Buddhism. The contributions...
by ADZG | Oct 15, 2006 | Sangha News
On October 15th, 2006 two Ancient Dragon Zen Gate sangha members, Eric Shutt and Amina Cain, received the Bodhisattva Precepts as well as lineage papers and dharma names from Taigen in a Lay Ordination ceremony. Our Priest Senior Students, Hogetsu Laurie Belzer and...